FREE: Sign up below to join hundreds of people worldwide for the Conscious Future Creating WORKSHOP featuring Dr. Irena Kay - it will change the way you think about creating the Life of Your Dreams - forever!

Discover Cutting-Edge Neuroscience-Based Techniques to Create the Ideal Vision for Your Life, Release Blocks and Limiting Beliefs, and Know How to Make Your Dreams Come True...Rapidly and Easily

Join Clear Beliefs Expert and Mental Fitness Coach Irena Kay, MD for a 3-hour Workshop to Understand the Conscious Future Creating Principles that Increase Your Vibration and Confidence, Give You a Step-by-Step Strategy, and Teach You How to Overcome Obstacles to Become Successful in All Areas of Your Life -FREE!


In this Ground-Breaking FREE and LIVE Workshop You Will Discover...

  • How to consistently clarify your vision so you can always experience better manifesting
  • How to develop a step-by-step strategy so you know what to do next with utter clarity
  • How to rapidly identify - and eliminate - major blocks, fears, and limiting beliefs...permanently
  • How to reprogram your subconscious mind so you can manifest your dream life...effortlessly
  • And much more...

Your Host: Dr. Irena Kay

Irena’s credentials include a medical doctorate specializing in Obstetrics and Gynecology. After retiring from her medical practice she became a certified Martial Arts Instructor and later a Law of Attraction, Relationship and Mental Fitness Coach.

She holds certifications in Therapeutic Resolution and Clear Beliefs Coaching, as well as a certification as a Marriage Facilitator.

After thoroughly studying neuroscience she developed a proprietary technique, NeuroYouth™, that helps release anxiety and fear.

Her coaching will help you discover your inner strength, overcome obstacles and insecurity, erase anxiety and fears, and give you step by step guidelines how to create and fulfill your vision for the life and business you always wanted.

Dr. Irena walks the talk...She based all of her success on Creating her Future Consciously and is passionate to teach others the same powerful techniques so they too can live a happy, worry-free life.

Irena Kay, MD Portrait

Here's what some of Dr. Irena's clients are saying:

Amanda B.

Business Coach

"a lot of success in my life & business"

I am sharing my incredible coaching experience I have received with Irena. I have been working with her for several months and have had a lot of success in my life and business.
I feel empowered to make the changes in my life and to value myself. Her skills as a coach are incredible! Her warmth makes the discoveries of change less scary and I am so grateful for that...

Barbara E.

Happiness Coach

"ask for the money I deserve"

Wow...just wow! I had no idea I had this dark cloud over me my whole life. I feel so much lighter now.

No wonder I never allowed myself to be truly visible with my message and ask for the money I deserved!


Susan B.

International Bestselling Author

" changing"

I had the pleasure to do some work with Dr. Irena. She helped me get in touch with my inner self and release a heavy weight that has been holding me down for years.
The experience was eye opening and life changing. She helped me see beyond my limitations and helped me to see a new way of soaring to heights I did not believe possible.